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Hack for Wall Street Bonuses

Give them what they deserve.
It still amazes me the millions in bonuses that were given out on Wall Street this year. Sure, a lot of people lost their jobs and those that stay need to be incentivised. What I don't understand is why they are given our money, rather than some of the bank's worthless assets that they helped create and sell to our pension funds.

Here's a hack that will fix the economic situation: The banks have billions of $ of assets that they cannot find buyers for - Sub prime mortgages, Asset Backed Securities and CDO's. Why can't these 'toxic assets' be off loaded to the Wall Street big wigs as bonuses at current market value? This gets the assets off the banks books, feeds the greed for bonuses within a broken industry and makes the fortunes of the 'over-paid' directly dependent on the financial future of the 'over-loaned'.


Anonymous said...

and makes the fortunes of the 'over-paid' directly dependent on the financial future of the 'over-loaned'.

Precisely why that won't happen. It's almost a worst case scenario for these motherfuckers- being linked to the rabble.

Anonymous said...

I've just forward this suggestion to my MP.

Who knows what, if anything, will happen from that.

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