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Know the economy 2.0

Yes, there is a new release of the economy.
It feels just like when Apple releases a new iPod. Suddenly your old model is obsolete and although you hang on to it for a while, believing it functions just as well as the newer model, you secretly know there's no real, long-term hope. We all know how this little scene is going to end. You can't use the new software, the hardware freezes/starts behaving erratically and with no efficient way to fix it you slowly come to terms with the inevitable upgrade.

Our economy is not just a little sick - likely to spring back to life as normal with a little medicine - it is obsolete and needs to be replaced with a new model that reflects our altered attitude towards consumption, credit, information and investment. The proof of the demise of the old economy came when friends of mine in a large financial institution told me that all the economic models that they use have been thrown out because they simply don't work anymore. The only rational explanation for this is that there are new rules, new market dynamics, new forces and new influencing factors driving the economy. Economists in the financial industry are being forced to use old fashioned methods of decision making - namely, getting really smart people into a room and looking at every single piece of data and trying to work out what the *%&@ is going on – if that’s not a new economy I don’t know what is.

In order to take advantage of this new economic system we quickly need to attain a deep knowledge of its operating principles. Any business that wants to survive will have to understand these if they are to evolve their business. (I love the evolutionary metaphor - The meteor has hit and the world will be full of dinosaur carcasses very soon. Both big and small businesses will survive but the big ones had better start changing fast otherwise the smaller, nimbler creatures will start eating their lunch,or them.)

I can't pretend to know all of the new rules - I’m not sure anyone can - but I have a few observations that I feel are worth listing here as a start. Please feel free to add to them. Different perspectives will greatly help our collective ability to get a handle on what's really going on.

So, here are my 5 new rules:

1) Everyone knows everything.
The information infrastructures that we have built mean that business planning should start with the assumption that everyone knows everything. Employees, managers, customers, analysts, shareholders, competitors and suppliers have greater access to information than ever before and can publish that information incredibly easily. Sooner or later if information is available it will be publicly available and as a result we can no longer increase profitability, productivity or competitive advantage by assuming the people we are doing business with only know what we have chosen to tell them. This has profound implications for how we manage organizations, manage channels, market products, create perceived value, decide pricing, establish wages or fees for services provided from abroad, negotiate deals and create partnerships between individuals and organizations.

Already some companies are experimenting with open source, peer-to-peer communications and total transparency solutions with partners and suppliers.

It seems that more ‘open’ approaches to business have two evolutionary advantages. Firstly, we don't need to spend quite so much time and money managing information flows, spin, PR, keeping secrets etc. Information in an open-system flows to those who can make use of the information and is essentially ignored by those who have no use for it. Management no longer decide or spends time and money managing who needs to know what and everyone has open access to all the information they need to do their job efficiently.

The second evolutionary advantage is that an open system allows everyone to contribute to everything and as a result you are often surprised by who knows what and how willing they are to share their knowledge for the greater good. If, for a moment, we assume that everything that can be known is already known by someone, somewhere, then a very efficient way of finding information is to ask if anyone in an extended community knows the answer. (Think: Yahoo answers, “Ask the Audience” Lifeline on Millionaire etc.). It is amazing the network intelligence that exists within large organizations that never gets used because of management and information hierarchies. Early adaptors include: Google's use of Peer2peer technology, Pixar's use of collective creativity.

2) Big purpose replaces big strategy.
In this new economy things move fast. During the manufacturing era you could spend a long time planning and strategizing how you go to market, what your brand should be like (the brand wheel/footprint/essence etc), who your core consumer is etc. You could be creative with the gamesmanship of positioning because the truth of ‘who you are’ was invisible to all but those on the inside. You could take your time because the manufacturing and distribution capabilities of your business were probably tightly controlled thanks to patents and aggressive litigation. These barriers meant that it was highly unlikely that anyone would be allowed to muscle in on the action while you pontificated and strategized for as long as you liked.

In the new global economy the monopolies of manufacturing have been eroded and controls over distribution are breaking down because of the creation of new channels. Strategic gamesmanship is likely to slow your evolution and while you work out how to sell an undifferentiated product with manufactured benefits or brand values it is likely that someone with a real differentiation or real purpose will burst onto the scene. Being true to a genuine purpose (beyond making money) is what creates brand values and real, meaningful difference (vs. perceived differences) is what creates a market position. As we move in to an economy that is not driven by over consumption and credit, products with real utility and value will triumph. If you don’t have either, no amount of PowerPoint, big strategy off-sites, or corporate responsibility strategies will protect you from a competitor with real different and a real purpose. (There are more companies like Method to come.)

3) Do more than you say. Just look at how much money is spent by businesses today managing what they say publicly and manipulating how they are perceived. It’s an excuse for not really doing anything. The dinosaurs of the old economy lived and breathed spin, manipulation, lobbying, deception and misrepresentation through tightly controlled media and discrete communication channels. They had little respect for their audiences or the consequences of their actions on the world at large – covering them up, brushing them under the carpet and just getting on with the business of making money. (In August there was a case of Canadian bus company suing to stop an internet based car-pooling scheme - what a dinosaur!).

As channels become less discrete and media channels multiply and become less controlled, individuals start broadcasting their personal experiences of brands in social media. Ultimately, anyone who looks for it can get a pretty complete picture of a company's behavior and judges them based on what others say they do, not what they say. The evolutionary advantage here is that companies that focus on 'doing' rather than 'saying' are forced to start working with the communities they serve. Turns out, when you focus on 'saying' you become overly self interested but when you focus on 'doing' your actions tend to be genuinely constructive, collaborative and dare I say more creative.

4) Pure innovation is an unnecessary expense.
Innovation is a very expensive process. Look at the amount of money the big fashion houses spend creating new looks and new styles only to have them ripped off, almost immediately, by the high street fashion shops like Zara and H&M. Similarly the cost or real technological innovation at the labs of IBM and Xerox did little to ensure their technological leadership in the long term. There are just too many innovations these days for us to adopt them all and 'fast follower' brands make buying at the bleeding edge something only a small niche of enthusiasts are interested in. The era of over-consumption defined innovation as giving us more new things to consume. In the new economy we see innovation slightly differently - more focused on finding better, more sustainable ways to do the things we already do. Whether that’s building homes; moving people and things from one part of the world to the other; sharing information and educating people; communicating with each other; feeding ourselves and our families; entertaining people or expressing our creativity. There is so much business potential in innovating new, more efficient and collaborative ways to do the things we already do. We don't need more, we need better. The innovators in the new economy will be feeding from the same sources as the big dinosaurs, just more efficiently and effectively.

5) We don’t need middlemen.
Consumer needs will remain the same but the power of the middleman is on the decline. The number of channels to market for content, products and services will continue to increase as will the consumer demand for these things. However, increasingly there is more opportunity for these producers to have direct relationships with these customers - cutting out the middle men - the retailer, the re-seller, the broadcaster, the publisher and the record label. If you use these middle men think about other options which will establish a direct relationship. If you are one of the middle men, make sure you adapt fast to add real value to the customer relationship - e.g. as curator or educator. We can't wait to see how political action will change now that Obama has the email of 13 million people. He can cut out the media filter and have a direct dialogue with his most active and vocal supporters. There's a lesson there for all of us.

UnSummit - the unconference for recession hackers

How can we use creativity and collaboration to beat the economic recession?
I've never come across Unsummit before but they are organizing a gathering in Minneapolis on March 7th  between 9am and 5pm to discuss this very topic.  We will try to attend.   Details HERE 

The right way to spend

I have been persuaded.
After a few glasses of wine and a very informative economics discussion (thanks Kevin), it turns out the best hack for this recession is to spend. While that sounds counter intuitive, since spending seems to be the reason we got into this mess in the first place, it does economically make sense. When a critical mass of Americans stops spending, fearing that they will lose their jobs, industrial production falls and as a result people lose their jobs. Historically, what turns a recession to a depression is just this - a lack of confidence in the future.

Well, in 2009, whatever we do, the future will be waiting for us and we need to be sure we are well placed to take the lead as the old order passes.
With this in mind, I have identified 5 ways that we can spend in order to facilitate a faster change of order. Whoever we give our money to in the next few years will be the winners. (If we give it to the same old financial institutions the same old institutions will be the winners and we all know who benefits then!).

1. Spend on your home.
Property prices are low (no news there). Labor and materials for the building industry are as likely to get cheaper. There has never been a better time to invest in your home - but, invest differently.

As we find ways to build that are not so fuel hungry and wasteful it is a good time to switch over to new energy solutions or sustainable products. Efficiency upgrades to your home pay for themselves over time but will support the economy in the short term. Supporting experts in progressive building techniques will help them come out on top. There are a number listed at e-house or the Dwell Hous
e competition.

2. Spend on people, not things.
Since much of the economy is service based these days, buying and consuming products is not going to help us get out of this mess. Paying people to do things for us rather than buying more 'stuff' will serve our economy better. This means we are justified in paying people to do the things we don't like doing and calling in a specialist rather than trying to do it ourselves. The good thing is that this allows us to focus on what we do well and hopefully allows us to make more money out of it. The people we employ pass on their well-earned money to others and if our chosen profession is something other people need, we will ultimately fuel our own success.

3. Buy things that help us produce rather than consume
Our economy is struggling because too many people simply consume, rather than produce. Production has been left to large corporations who take all the money and distribute it unevenly (the guy at the top gets millions and the sweat-shop workers get less than minimum wage). If we spend our money to become more productive this would fuel the economy and boost creativity, innovation, enterprise and consumer choice. Production doesn't just mean making products. We can produce content, web sites, movies, music, screen plays, books and other intellectual property. What's important is that we create so others can consume. Then we all end up earning extra income on Etsy , CafePress, or Ponoko etc.

4.Support the digital economy by paying for what we use
The new economy will include new business models as well as unfamiliar revenue streams for businesses. We need to change our mindset and be prepared to pay for the things we feel we get value from. Think how much we waste for services we rarely or never use - the cable channels we never watch, the gym membership we rarely use or the magazine subscriptions we never read. If we invested the same amount of money into the digital products and services we value we will help determine the future. Although we all love the free trial of shareware that allows us to use a product without paying for it and we all skip past Wikipedia's request for donations. Isn't it time we started being more generous in our support of subscription and donation based digital businesses. After all one day it could be our business's future that depends on this revenue steam.

5. Participate in Microfunding - Its digital busking.
If Mr Obama can raise $265 Million from 1.5 Million people giving on average less than $100 (source: LA Times June 5th 2008) then there is hope for anyone wanting to fund a venture or cause using micro-funding. There is nothing new in micro-funding for charities and causes but micro-funding is being used to fund a variety of ventures and web 2.0 businesses as the angel investors with big money shy away and the VC's get tougher to deal with. There are some success stories out there already, but there will be more. The movie Iraq for sale was funded by 3000 viewers who donated on average $62 each.

There are lots of tools out there to help us with this. In fact I think there are more tools than there are success stories but my guess is it's only a matter of time before one of these is bought by Google or Microsoft and gets critical mass. Here are just a few Tipjoy, ChipIn, Fundable.

I see real potential in the idea of funding ventures through SMS services like mGive but at the moment it appears much of the donation goes to the carriers.

Some have experimented with rewarding early investors with payback plans if the venture acquired or goes public. However, it seems there are all sorts of legal issues with this. Although if some legal genius could work out how this could work I think we could all be onto a good thing. Couchtycoon has a peer 2 peer venture market place but since I don't have a beta invitation it's hard to say if this is real or not (watch this space).